• React-Query

Looking for integrating Next Fetch with SWR? Check out the SWR integration guide.

Next Fetch supports React Query v4 out of the box, through the @next-fetch/react-query package.

Set up React Query

First, make sure you went through React Query's quick start guide to set up the necessary environment. The QueryClientProvider needs to be set up in _app to allow React Query to work properly.


Assuming you already installed React Query v4 in your project, install @next-fetch/react-query and your runtime type validation of choice. In this guide we will use Zod.

# pnpm
pnpm add @next-fetch/react-query zod
# yarn
yarn add @next-fetch/react-query zod
# npm
npm install --save @next-fetch/react-query zod

Set up next.config.js

Within your next.config.js file, make the following changes to use withReactQueryApiEndpoints:

+ const { withReactQueryApiEndpoints } = require("@next-fetch/react-query");
  const config = { /* ... */ };
- module.exports = config;
+ module.exports = withReactQueryApiEndpoints(config);

Now you can restart your app, to make sure the changes in next.config.js are applied.

Create your first API endpoint

Any pages/api/*.rq.ts file will be automatically compiled using Next Fetch's compiler. For our test, we can create a simple pages/api/simple.rq.ts endpoint:

// pages/api/simple.rq.ts
import { query } from "@next-fetch/react-query";
import z from "zod";
export const useMessage = query(
  z.object({ name: z.string() }),
  async ({ name }) => {
    return { message: `Hello ${name}` };

Use the API endpoint in any page

// pages/index.tsx
import { useMessage } from "./api/simple.rq";
export default function Home() {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useMessage({ name: "World" });
  if (isLoading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {String(error)}</div>;
  return <div>{data.message}</div>;

Add a mutation to your API endpoint

// pages/api/simple.rq.ts
export const useMutation = query(
  z.object({ name: z.string() }),
  async ({ name }) => {
    return { message: "Hello " + name };
    // This will be called when the form is sent before JavaScript loads
    // and enables to add logic for smart server-side redirections
    hookResponse(data) {
      const newUrl = new URL("/form", this.request.url);
      newUrl.searchParams.set("message", data.message);
      return Response.redirect(newUrl.toString(), 302);

Use the <Form /> component to call the mutation

// pages/form.tsx
import { useMutation } from "./api/simple.rq";
import { Form } from "@next-fetch/react-query/form";
export default function MyFormPage() {
  const mutation = useMutation();
  return (
    <Form mutation={mutation}>
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

That's it.

Now you have a fullly working app with Next Fetch and React Query.

Last updated on August 30, 2022